Ask for Evidence in the EU

EU policy is made within the Brussels bubble, with Brussels-based think tanks and Brussels-based lobbyists. Even civil society organisations at EU level rarely speak to the people that they represent. We all know that the evidence behind policies is all too often ignored, abused or denied — especially when debates are polarised or large corporate or member state interests are at stake. 

That's why, as the director of Sense about Science EU, I'm bringing the Ask for Evidence campaign to Brussels. We want to encourage citizens and scientific groups across Europe to ask the European Parliament and Commission to explain the evidence behind policies​​ Also businesses, NGOs and other stakeholder groups who advise and influence the policymakers can and should be held to account.

The biggest challenge when asking for evidence behind EU legislation or policy is knowing who to ask. ​It is usually best to start by asking ​your MEP​​. You can find the MEPs of your ​country or ​constituency on the website of the European Parliament. If you're still not sure which MEP to ask, another option is to search for MEPs that are a member of​ a committee relevant to what you're asking about.   

And if you're having trouble finding the right person in Brussels to ask, or if you don't receive a reply, please email our Brussels office for assistance at​.

Find out more about Sense about Science EU here.

Photo: Flickr Creative Commons/ MPD01605

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